just went back from pejabat tanah,
uruskan harta pusaka nenek.. it was so damn bored,waiting for the turn.huh!
rite after blk dr tmpat tu,
ak tros on9,n as usual.. fesbuk+blog+blabla.
suddenly i came across blogs,
n read theirs.
ak mula rase ragu2 thdap some1 ni..hish!
kalo btol la ape yg ak rs ni, she is the .....................................................eva!
dulu,dah ade sorang member ni,pesan kt aku,
beware dgn org ni,but.. i simply ignore wut she said,just because i think.. everything is ok.
but now, i know im wrong..
wrong to give a good judge to her.
thou things are not clear yet,
but a big portion of trust is now...... g.o.n.e.
thanx to d person,
yg pnah bg advice kt ak~ thou im out of the limit u ask me to stay,
at least,ur words make me realised...... i m beyond the safe wall.
now,i can see.. the truth of ur advices..
dik..takot kak bc entry nih....