Aug 13, 2010

....[xnak bg title ape2]..

rase cm dh lame gle x mengupdate blog ini.
saya masih idop ye rakan2.
m quite busy wif assignments, researches, n all the study-things.
keje yg sgt byk dan xtau bile nk abes.. huhu.

since esok wekend, so i take a few minutes to write smthing ere.
td sembang2 ngn mcna.
xtau knape, terkeluar la topik zaman dulu2..
f.l.a.s.h.b.a.c.k laaa..

masa awal2 ak join this prog; i mean this TESL field..
ak rs down gile.
1st, sbb this is not my choice
2nd, i was not good in omputih language
3rd, someone made me feel damn bad.

bende yg nk aku highlight skang is, reason ke-3 aku tuh.
i think, no need la utk ak mention who the person is.
but the point here is to take lesson from the story.

it happened, 4 years ago. yeah, it was long long ago..
masa tuh, my life was like org gila. very unstable. so many things went wrong.
n masa tu jugak, i read someone's blog. [this is the starting point yg membuatkan aku rs down gile2]
the person wrote,
........'m looking for someone. someone who is also having A level n bla2......."
that moment, ak rasa mcm sgt2 dihina.
ak tau aku sape.. i was not brilliant. i was not a genius.i was nobody, in fact.
if nak compare, sape la sgt aku nih.. blaja kt maktab aje. i know n u dun have to remind me 'bout dat.
tp at least, i have a secure future than U!

tp tu la, org ckp..
wut goes around, comes around.
i got a news that the person is now not in a good reputation anymore.
huhu. [tho ko pnah kutok aku dulu, bkn bermakna aku suke dgr news ni]
im sad, for u used to be a fren of mine.
the moral values are:
1. jgn pandang rendah kt org lain.sume tu rezeki tuhan.bile2 je Dia bleh tarik balik.
2. ade org pnah ckp, 'once u did, double u'll get'
3. treat people the way u want to be treated [quote from my dear tan sri.hehe]

so, itu je la utk kali nih. penat la nk tulis pjg2.