Jul 24, 2010

what a sad day..

today, i was crying.. twice.
never i felt this bad lately. uMm,not bad actually.
but, kind of stress n sad.

my life without lappy for more than 1week
was as miserable as the miserable-est thing in this world.
yesterday, i got it back with the hope that it was 100% ok.
but the crap i got were,
the sound was not functioning n some 'bendasing' was inside the system.
bencinye aku.. mahal2 aku byr, sampah yg aku dpt.cess!
but the real thing that made me felt so unstable now was not the price i paid.
but it was the matter of human quality.. [skema plak dah..]
guy who happened to fix my mr.lappy was one of species i hate the most in this world.
dah ade anak bini, no need laa to ogle others. jijik kot. huhu..

ok, enuf about that species,

this afternoon plak,
i called my sister, just to besembang2 n gossiping.
but things were not always nice...
ku sangka panas hingga ke petang,rupanya hujan di tengahari.
i got a news.. my youngest nephew kne masuk ward.
pity dat lil baby.. demam dh 1 week but until now stil blom ok.
unconciously, my tears dropped.
i dun know how to describe the feelings i have now..
tp it makes me think..
"anak buah masuk ward pon aku dh nanges,
mcm mn kalo anak sendri nt??"
well, yeah.. its long time to go utk anak sndri.

tp sume ni make me realize yg..
a mother's love towards her kids is.... infinity.
anak buah sakit pon aku dh riso2 cmni,
ape lg kalo darah daging sndri. erm..

ok, enuf. nk tdo.


  1. Anak buah pun darah daging sendiri kan? ;)
    Just pray for your lil nephew. InsyaAllah he will be fine.
    The tears means. Sense of love and humanity
